How to Check Car Oil

Pouring car oil

Oil is vital for helping your vehicle perform at its best, so knowing how to check the oil level in your car is key. Not sure where to start? Check out this quick and easy guide from the service experts at Jim Hudson Ford, and let us help you with your oil change near Columbia, SC! 

Learn How to Check the Oil Level in Your Car

If your vehicle has an electronic oil monitoring system, the following steps will not apply, so check your owner’s manual if you’re not sure. Here is how to check your oil manually: 

  1. Make sure your engine is turned off and cold, and that you’re parked on level ground.
  2. Pop the vehicle’s hood and find the dipstick.
  3. Pull the dipstick out of the engine and wipe any oil from the end of it.
  4. Re-insert the dipstick all the way back into its tube, and then pull it out and look at both sides to see where the level is.
  5. If the top of your oil streak is between two marks or within a cross-hatched area, the level is good. If it isn’t, you’ll need to add more oil.

If you’re low, check your owner’s manual for the proper oil grade recommended. Remove the oil filler cap and slowly pour in the oil until you’ve reached the proper level indicated by the dipstick. 

Why Check Your Car's Oil Level?

Keeping up on your vehicle’s oil level will help ensure better performance and a longer lifespan, warding off potential problems before they start. While how often you change your oil will vary depending on your model, make, and year, checking the oil level about once a month will help you stay aware of its condition and be aware of any leaks or issues as they arise. 

If you’re unsure about your car’s oil or have performance questions, schedule a service appointment at Jim Hudson Ford. Our goal is to keep our Irmo customers safe, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel something is wrong with your ride. 

Get Your Oil Change Near Columbia, SC

At Jim Hudson Ford, we’re proud to offer all our Chapin customers a variety of rotating service specials to make your next appointment even more affordable. We’re here to help you with any questions about checking your transmission fluid, rotating your tires, resetting your tire pressure light, or any other service topic. We look forward to working with you!